60% of adults under 35 would like a job as an influencer

Jun 30, 2024
60% of adults under 35 would like a job as an influencer

A new survey from Pure Telecom, Ireland’s high-speed broadband and telecoms provider, has revealed that 60% of adults in Ireland aged under 35 would like a job as a social media influencer as a source of income. In total, 48% of the adult population would consider a job as a social media influencer.

The research, conducted by Censuswide on behalf of Pure Telecom as part of its Connected Lives survey, examined how people in Ireland use social media and their attitude towards influencers.

The research found that of those who expressed an interest in pursuing a job as an influencer – and who have full-time jobs – 56% believe they would earn more money than they do now. This means that 27% of full-time employees in Ireland believe that they could earn more money as a social media influencer than they do in their current job.

The top reasons given for wanting to be a social media influencer are having an interest in it (49%) and getting free products and services (32%). On the other hand, the top reasons given by those who would steer clear of an influencing career were a lack of interest (38%), followed by a belief that they would not be good at it (37%), as well as privacy concerns and the pressure of public scrutiny (30%).

The survey showed insights into the effect of social media influencers on our shopping habits. Over two in five (44%) of social media users said that influencers have an impact their purchasing decisions and choices.

This impact was most noticeable among Generation Z (those aged 26 and younger), with nearly just over half (54%) reporting that influencers impact such decisions. As the age profile increased, the impact waned – still, more than a third (34%) of Baby Boomers (aged 59-77) said their choices had been swayed by influencers.

While not everyone can be an influencer, Pure Telecom’s research found that we are a nation of frequent social media posters. Nearly half (45%) of the population said that they post at least once a week on their chosen social media platforms.

More than one-in-10 (12%) post on social media every day or more, rising to 16% for Baby Boomers, who are the most likely generation to post daily.

The potential consequences of posting too much were also laid bare, with nearly half (47%) of social media users revealing that they mute people if their posts become irritating.

It appears nobody is safe in this regard, with nearly one in three (32%) social media users admitting to muting a friend and one in five (21%) having done the same to a family member. In more extreme cases, one-in-10 have actually ended a friendship due to someone’s social media posts, and 5% had ended a romantic relationship.

Source: techbuzzireland